Saturday, 14 January 2017

Choosing Fonts

Here I am going to talk about my choices of fonts that are possibly going to be featuring within my media products.  Some of the following fonts are from a source called that I have used in able to expand my font pallet within my editing softwares.

Bebas Neue is one of my favourite font type, this is because it is elegant yet cool, easily readable, and creates an impact, therefore I was thinking I am going to be able to use this font type for either the album cover or the poster in able to appeal to my potential audience and grab attention with its boldness.

The following font is called Copperplate Gothic Bold, which has grabbed my attention because it has a smart, and slightly oldschool look to it, which is easy to read and with certain alterations and colouring would be able to adapt to the hip-hop environment . Further more it is very simple which is key to appeal to my target audience.

I became interested in this particular font type when I have tested its capital Letter format. The slight tilt and distortion of letters create a cool look to it, which I was thinking could be enhanced by a "Bevel and Emboss " effect and a "Shadow Drop" in Photoshop

Hollywood Hills font has been chosen, because the media product I am creating that reflects Wiz Khalifa's original album is called Blacc Hollywood, therefore I have used my creativity to create a great combination in visual and audio elements to enhance the power of the album

Impact is another font that is one of my favourites, this is because its simplicity and power of status. It can be seem from a long distance, and it has clear and strong features with a slight softness in certain curvy parts of the font.

Mark My words has been chosen because its structure. It has an elegant twist to it while in capital the Hand written font type becomes almost graffiti  looking like which increases the feel of hip-hop . I am going to be using the capital letters of this particular font types

Brush 445 has been chosen due to its similarities with Wiz Khalifa's logo for his own name, this is because throughout this task I has not been able to use his logo.

This particular font type has also been chosen to create, Wiz Khalifa's logo for my album cover and the poster. This is because it is a font type that is easy to alter and edit.

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